※Copyright©たにざきまほ/maho tanizaki All right reserved.

− 2014年10月 初個展『giggle』 at 高円寺・ぽたかふぇ。 −
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自作絵本『うちゅうのこども』をはじめ、2008年〜2014年に描いた絵を中心にした個展を開催しました。(東京・高円寺にあるカフェ、「 ぽたかふぇ。」です)
“ giggle ”は英語で“ くすくす笑う ”という意味で、私の絵を見た方に、くすくす笑ってほしいという思いで展示しました^^
I held a solo exhibition featuring my own picture book “Uchu no Kodomo” and other drawings from 2008 to 2014. (The exhibition was held at a cafe in Koenji, Tokyo called “Pota-cafe. Cafe in Koenji, Tokyo)
The word “giggle” means “to laugh” in English, and I exhibited my pictures in the hope that people would laugh when they saw them.
I had the café staff make a collaboration menu, and it became an exhibition that the people who came to the café could enjoy.